Блог пользователя Gi4Th4ng_Di77_NLUN

Автор Gi4Th4ng_Di77_NLUN, 6 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hi guys. Iam preparing for an entrance contest of my school VOI team. (Vietnamese Olympiad In Informatics — I think) Can you give me some link of Dynamic Programming contest. Im finding some medium to high levels. I think I should try to solve some hard DP problems to upgrade my DP solving skill. Thankyou for your reading.

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Автор Gi4Th4ng_Di77_NLUN, история, 7 месяцев назад, По-английски

Hi guys, Im having a problem about the number, but I haven't solved. PLS Help me. The problem is: Given an array a (length 2e5) of positive integer numbers. Chose a subarray from L to R (1 < L <= R < n) Delete all the number from Al -> Ar. Find the min average of the left nums.

Sample INPUT (first number is int n, the n number after that is the array a) 5 `` 5 1 7 8 2 Sample OUTPUT 2.667

Choose L = 3 R = 4 --> sum of the rest number is 5 + 1 + 2 --> average = 2.667

2 subtask: n <= 1e3 and n <= 1e5 I solve the first one, but not the latter.

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