Gediminas's blog

By Gediminas, history, 4 months ago, In English


I've been using and maintaining this VS Code extension for over two years and it's been extremely useful for both CP and random programming projects. So I decided to share it here, hoping some of you will find it useful too.

The extension is called "Build and Run" but it can do a bit more than that:

  • Compiling the code with a custom command
  • Running the code with the given (multiple) inputs specified as comments in the same source file
  • Comparing the program's outputs with expected outputs specified as comments
  • Formatting the code with a custom formatter
  • Building and running the code under the debugger

Unfortunately, interactive input or debugging isn't supported (and I don't have plans to implement that -- stick to the normal terminal for that).

Configuration is a bit involved but I think README contains a good starting point. The whole idea of the extension is to be fully customisable to have fun tuning it for yourself :)

Download link

It's well-tested on Linux. I haven't used it on Windows for a while, but I think it should still work.

example screenshot

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By Gediminas, history, 7 years ago, In English

Hello! It's the end of the year and I have a lot of free time so I decided to play with CF api and create some statistical tables. (Sorry for mistakes)
In 2017 CF hosted 151 official contests, 106 of them were rated. Each rated contest on average attracted 2700 participants.
Currently there are 121957 rated users. In 2017 about 20000 users joined this amazing community! 372 of them now are in Div. 1. We have:

candidate masters53774,41%
international masters3020,25%
international grandmasters1230,10%
legendary grandmasters270,02%
Thanks for MikeMirzayanov for maintaining this site!
And happy New Year!

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