I did ![Question ](https://codeforces.me/contest/1284/problem/B) in complexity of O(nlogn) and using vectors . I didn't knew why this happened as the with the given constraints my solution in nlogn should run! ↵
But on changing vectors to array format ,it worked!!!↵
![Accepted soln2 ](https://codeforces.me/contest/1284/submission/141427385)↵
![ Time limit exceeded [soln]1]((https://codeforces.me/contest/1284/submission/141427353))↵
As you can see there is only one difference of conversion of vector maxel to an array↵
It would be kind if someone can tell how can this happen and where can i safely use a vector instead of an array.↵
But on changing vectors to array format ,it worked!!!↵
As you can see there is only one difference of conversion of vector maxel to an array↵
It would be kind if someone can tell how can this happen and where can i safely use a vector instead of an array.↵