I participated in [Codeforces Round #713 (Div. 3)](https://codeforces.me/contest/1512)↵
I had solved the Problem [1512G — Short Task](https://codeforces.me/contest/1512/problem/G), during the contest, which I believe at least ran on 3 pretests, as many participants got WA on TC 3, during the contest.↵
My During-Contest AC Code ran in 1940ms, with "Pretests Passed" Verdict. ↵
The intended complexity for the problem, was `O(10^7 log(10^7))`, as described in the [editorial](https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/89535).↵
My solution's complexity was the same.↵
After system test, my during-contest solution got TLE'ed on `TC 3`, the case which was included in pretests as well. ([Code](https://codeforces.me/contest/1512/submission/112543083)) ↵
After system test, I submitted the same solution, without changing a single word/line, it got `AC'ed in 1965 ms`. ([Code](https://codeforces.me/contest/1512/submission/112616202)).↵
I saw the leaderboard and seems like I am not the only one to have a TLE'ed solution.↵
I truly agree that `~100ms` non-deterministic difference in run-time is possible. But, if the intended solution requires TL so close to `2 sec.`, then it would have been better to put the TL as `2.5s or 3s`. Also, this would have helped Python/Java solutions, which TLE'ed, to pass, and also the non-deterministic difference in run-time wouldn't have affected the solutions, with "intended" complexity.↵
Please, look upon this suggestion [user:MikeMirzayanov,2021-04-11].↵
Thank you. ↵
Correct me, if I have wrote something wrong or contradictory.
I had solved the Problem [1512G — Short Task](https://codeforces.me/contest/1512/problem/G), during the contest, which I believe at least ran on 3 pretests, as many participants got WA on TC 3, during the contest.↵
My During-Contest AC Code ran in 1940ms, with "Pretests Passed" Verdict. ↵
The intended complexity for the problem, was `O(10^7 log(10^7))`, as described in the [editorial](https://codeforces.me/blog/entry/89535).↵
My solution's complexity was the same.↵
After system test, my during-contest solution got TLE'ed on `TC 3`, the case which was included in pretests as well. ([Code](https://codeforces.me/contest/1512/submission/112543083)) ↵
After system test, I submitted the same solution, without changing a single word/line, it got `AC'ed in 1965 ms`. ([Code](https://codeforces.me/contest/1512/submission/112616202)).↵
I saw the leaderboard and seems like I am not the only one to have a TLE'ed solution.↵
I truly agree that `~100ms` non-deterministic difference in run-time is possible. But, if the intended solution requires TL so close to `2 sec.`, then it would have been better to put the TL as `2.5s or 3s`. Also, this would have helped Python/Java solutions, which TLE'ed, to pass, and also the non-deterministic difference in run-time wouldn't have affected the solutions, with "intended" complexity.↵
Please, look upon this suggestion [user:MikeMirzayanov,2021-04-11].↵
Thank you. ↵
Correct me, if I have wrote something wrong or contradictory.