Hello Codeforces!!↵
I, on behalf of **Code Chronicles 1.0** Team, would like to invite you to take part in first ever contest hosted by collaboration of IIIT's (IIIT Pune & IIIT Bhopal), which will take place on [Friday, June 19, 2020 at 20:00 IST<sup>UTC+5.5</sup>](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=19&month=6&year=2020&hour=14&min=30&sec=0). It is a 2.5 hr long contest. The contest will be open to everyone. We'd be offering you 8 problems with varying difficulties.↵
<span style="color:red"> **PRIZES** </span> : 250 Codechef Laddus each to Top 3 Global & Special Goodies for Top 3 IIIT ians.↵
Contest Link : [Code Chronicles 1.0](https://www.codechef.com/CROS2020)↵
I would really like to thank: ↵
- [user:silentone,2020-06-17], [user:nishitsharma0,2020-06-17], [user:holocaust,2020-06-17], [avenger786](https://www.codechef.com/users/avenger786), [sumeet_0403](https://www.codechef.com/users/sumeet_0403/) for setting & testing the problems with me.↵
- [user:darshancool25,2020-06-17] for Managing the contest , testing as well as proofreading and making suggestions for the problems.↵
- Codechef for their invaluable help and great platform.↵
- [**IIIT ians Network**](https://www.instagram.com/iiitians.network/) for making this contest possible.↵
I hope you will enjoy solving the problems. Please give your feedback on the problem set in the comments below, after the contest.↵
**Upd 1**: Editorials have been published for all problems except [PWCP-COCR101](https://www.codechef.com/CROS2020/problems/COCR101), which will be published by tomorrow.↵
**Editorials :** ↵
[Marking the borders-COCR104](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-marking-the-borders/69322) ↵
[Champak and Clocks-COCR105](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-champak-and-clocks/69313) ↵
[Sharing is Caring-COCR106](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-sharing-is-caring/69315) ↵
[Chef and a New Home-COCR103](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-chef-and-a-new-home/69325) ↵
[Odd One Out-COCR107](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-odd-one-out-cocr107/69314) ↵
[Time Travel-COCR102](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-time-travel/69326) ↵
[Maze Runner-COCR108](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-maze-runner/69319)↵
**About the discrepency in Marking the borders question :** ↵
There was a discrepancy in one of the input files for the question, Marking the borders. There was a single line missing in the input file. Even then many participants got accepted, but some received *WA* or *TLE*. It was a bit surprising about how had it not come up during the testing phase, but after reviewing a couple of solutions which didn't get accepted because of this, we observed that codes using $scanf$ were getting affected. Unfortunately even though all testers had tested this question, everyone used $cin$ / $cout$. We still don't know for sure that if $scanf$ / $cin$ thing was the only difference that lead to such a result. Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to this. ↵
We still hope that you enjoyed the problemset though, and thank you for participating!!↵
I, on behalf of **Code Chronicles 1.0** Team, would like to invite you to take part in first ever contest hosted by collaboration of IIIT's (IIIT Pune & IIIT Bhopal), which will take place on [Friday, June 19, 2020 at 20:00 IST<sup>UTC+5.5</sup>](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=19&month=6&year=2020&hour=14&min=30&sec=0). It is a 2.5 hr long contest. The contest will be open to everyone. We'd be offering you 8 problems with varying difficulties.↵
<span style="color:red"> **PRIZES** </span> : 250 Codechef Laddus each to Top 3 Global & Special Goodies for Top 3 IIIT ians.↵
Contest Link : [Code Chronicles 1.0](https://www.codechef.com/CROS2020)↵
I would really like to thank: ↵
- [user:silentone,2020-06-17], [user:nishitsharma0,2020-06-17], [user:holocaust,2020-06-17], [avenger786](https://www.codechef.com/users/avenger786), [sumeet_0403](https://www.codechef.com/users/sumeet_0403/) for setting & testing the problems with me.↵
- [user:darshancool25,2020-06-17] for Managing the contest , testing as well as proofreading and making suggestions for the problems.↵
- Codechef for their invaluable help and great platform.↵
- [**IIIT ians Network**](https://www.instagram.com/iiitians.network/) for making this contest possible.↵
I hope you will enjoy solving the problems. Please give your feedback on the problem set in the comments below, after the contest.↵
**Upd 1**: Editorials have been published for all problems except [PWCP-COCR101](https://www.codechef.com/CROS2020/problems/COCR101), which will be published by tomorrow.↵
**Editorials :** ↵
[Marking the borders-COCR104](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-marking-the-borders/69322) ↵
[Champak and Clocks-COCR105](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-champak-and-clocks/69313) ↵
[Sharing is Caring-COCR106](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-sharing-is-caring/69315) ↵
[Chef and a New Home-COCR103](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-chef-and-a-new-home/69325) ↵
[Odd One Out-COCR107](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-odd-one-out-cocr107/69314) ↵
[Time Travel-COCR102](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-time-travel/69326) ↵
[Maze Runner-COCR108](https://discuss.codechef.com/t/editorial-maze-runner/69319)↵
**About the discrepency in Marking the borders question :** ↵
There was a discrepancy in one of the input files for the question, Marking the borders. There was a single line missing in the input file. Even then many participants got accepted, but some received *WA* or *TLE*. It was a bit surprising about how had it not come up during the testing phase, but after reviewing a couple of solutions which didn't get accepted because of this, we observed that codes using $scanf$ were getting affected. Unfortunately even though all testers had tested this question, everyone used $cin$ / $cout$. We still don't know for sure that if $scanf$ / $cin$ thing was the only difference that lead to such a result. Sorry for the inconvenience caused due to this. ↵
We still hope that you enjoyed the problemset though, and thank you for participating!!↵