Mentoring of next generation of IOI medalists

Правка en6, от geniucos, 2019-12-26 01:06:32

Hi friends!

My name is Costin-Andrei Oncescu. I began preparation for the IOI in 2011, lasting for 8 years and culminating in one silver and two bronze medals. I began the journey being the first one in my region and not having access to much formalized training. Now in college, I reflect on my experience and come to realize how fortunate I am for all of the great lessons IOI taught me.

I now seek to pay it forward by bringing this experience to others that dare to be the first in their town, state, or country. In collaboration with other IOI medalists (Reyna, reedef, zscoder, Adhami, RezwanArefin01, Bruteforceman, RestingRajarshi, AsleepAdhyyan), teachers, community organizers, and government officials, we are starting a project, This initiative is directed to ignite the first generation of IOI medalists in emerging countries by bringing access to dedicated mentors, curated resources, and quality instruction. Talent is global and deserves to be propelled to compete at the IOI from any corner of the world.

How can you get involved? Become a mentor.

How it works:

  • You are assigned to 3-4 pre-selected, high-achieving students from a developing country.

  • You meet virtually with the group (at least one hour per week) to give advice and answer questions.

  • You hold one-hour seminars periodically (bi weekly or once a month) covering a technical subject.

  • You build an ongoing relationship with each of your mentees during the length of their preparation.

What are we looking for?

  • You have been involved in competitive programming, including but not limited to IOI, or you have a rating of over 2100 on CodeForces.

  • You care about helping great talent get started on preparation for IOI.

  • You can devote at least one hour per week to the project.

Benefits for you:

  • You do meaningful and highly-regarded volunteer service.

  • You build life-long relationships/friendships with highly talented students.

  • You gain instructional and leadership skills, which are highly valued in the market.

Please visit our site to learn more and sign up! Feel free to share information about the project with anyone you know would be a good match and DM me if you have any questions.

Thanks for your time!

P.S. We have benefited from the internet, we have benefited from the work of those before us and now we would like to pay it forward and we hope you will consider joining us in empowering and training the next generation of competitive programmers.

Теги #ioi, teaching, coach, volunteers


  Rev. Язык Кто Когда Δ Комментарий
en9 Английский geniucos 2020-01-04 14:26:57 8
en8 Английский geniucos 2019-12-27 21:36:49 172
en7 Английский geniucos 2019-12-27 19:19:32 24 Tiny change: ' site ([](h' -> ' site ([](h' (published)
en6 Английский geniucos 2019-12-26 01:06:32 31 Tiny change: '019-12-23]), teache' -> '019-12-23], [user:Adhyyan1252]), teache'
en5 Английский geniucos 2019-12-24 02:11:04 57 Tiny change: 'alists in developing countr' -> 'alists in emerging countr'
en4 Английский geniucos 2019-12-23 17:14:45 6
en3 Английский geniucos 2019-12-23 17:08:48 27 Tiny change: '3], [user:A' -> '3], [user:zscoder], [user:A'
en2 Английский geniucos 2019-12-23 17:07:25 22 Tiny change: ' time!\n\nCC: \n\nP.S. W' -> ' time!\n\nP.S. W'
en1 Английский geniucos 2019-12-23 17:05:01 2678 Initial revision (saved to drafts)