I'm trying to solve [721-C](https://codeforces.me/contest/721/problem/C), and thus saw the editorial. I submitted [this](https://codeforces.me/contest/721/submission/56305063) solution, and it is getting WA for test case 14, which has 50 vertices as input. My solution is counting 50 vertices, whereas in the answer, there are less than 50 vertices. So, there must be a problem in counting the total weight of the path(i.e. the total time taken to reach nth node from 1st node). But there seems to be jo such errata in my view. Plus, the code seems to work for smaller test cases (i.e. with lower $n$). Therefore, it might be an overflow issue. But that too doesn't seem like the issue.↵
Any help is appreciated!↵
Any help is appreciated!↵