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Call For Help For ACPC
Difference between en3 and en4, changed 46 character(s)
This is a call for help for those who can.↵

two teams from my college were able to qualify for the ACPC this year in sharm el sheikh however the college 
only accepted to fund only 3 teams but refused to provide financial support for themse two hence we are asking you the great Problem Solving Community for help for those two teams.↵

the First Team : ↵

[user:Bohoty,2018-10-30] — [user:lero1312,2018-10-30] — [user:natha,2018-10-30]↵

the Second Team :↵

[user:Omar_Osama_Diab,2018-10-30] — [user:XsliferX,2018-10-30] — [user:Error_404,2018-10-30]↵

So if you can help us to have a chance to compete in ACPC please donate.↵


You can donate here : http://www.zoomaal.com/projects/fcisacpc2018/66361?ref=160800120


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en4 English TripleM5da 2018-10-31 00:39:58 46
en3 English TripleM5da 2018-10-31 00:07:07 0 (published)
en2 English TripleM5da 2018-10-31 00:06:55 2 Tiny change: 'elp for these two tea' -> 'elp for those two tea' (saved to drafts)
en1 English TripleM5da 2018-10-30 23:58:52 733 Initial revision (published)