Given T(1 <= T <= 1e5) the no. of test cases.<br>↵
Each testcase contains an integer N(1 <= N <= 1e18).<br>↵
We define F(x) as the xor of all the digits in x.<br>↵
Find $\sum_{x=1}^{N} F(x)$ (summation of F(x) where x goes from 1 to N) for each testcase.<br> ↵
Each testcase contains an integer N(1 <= N <= 1e18).<br>↵
We define F(x) as the xor of all the digits in x.<br>↵
Find $\sum_{x=1}^{N} F(x)$ (summation of F(x) where x goes from 1 to N) for each testcase.<br> ↵