— Hey, It's me again. Plain to see again...↵
— Oh crap, it's PrinceOfPersia again :|↵
I'm here to introduce you: Codeforces round 362. It's gonna take place on [196th day of 2016](http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=14&month=7&year=2016&hour=19&min=35&sec=0&p1=166).↵
I'm the writer of this round.ANot as always, there are 56 problems and 2 hours to solve them. I hope you enjoy.↵
I want to thank [user:Haghani,2016-07-11] for testing this round, [user:LiTi,2016-07-11] for helping me prepare problem E, [user:dans,2016-07-11] and [user:GlebsHP,2016-07-11] for helping me prepare the problems and [user:MikeMirzayanov,2016-07-11] for legendary platforms of Codeforces and Polygon.↵
The main character of this round is Barney Stinson (high five ;)) and you're gonna help him with his problem.↵
I wish you all lots of Accepted solutions and hope to see no Skipped solutions ;)↵
Scoring will be posted soon.↵
GL & HF!↵
**UPD:** We decided that the contest has 6 problems (in each division, 4 shared). Duration will be announced as soon as we decide, but It's gonna be between 2 and 2:30 (inclusive).
— Oh crap, it's PrinceOfPersia again :|↵
I'm here to introduce you: Codeforces round 362. It's gonna take place on [196th day of 2016](http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=14&month=7&year=2016&hour=19&min=35&sec=0&p1=166).↵
I'm the writer of this round.
I want to thank [user:Haghani,2016-07-11] for testing this round, [user:LiTi,2016-07-11] for helping me prepare problem E, [user:dans,2016-07-11] and [user:GlebsHP,2016-07-11] for helping me prepare the problems and [user:MikeMirzayanov,2016-07-11] for legendary platforms of Codeforces and Polygon.↵
The main character of this round is Barney Stinson (high five ;)) and you're gonna help him with his problem.↵
I wish you all lots of Accepted solutions and hope to see no Skipped solutions ;)↵
Scoring will be posted soon.↵
GL & HF!↵
**UPD:** We decided that the contest has 6 problems (in each division, 4 shared). Duration will be announced as soon as we decide, but It's gonna be between 2 and 2:30 (inclusive).