maximum points covered by segments
Difference between en1 and en2, changed 7 character(s)
There are N points and M segments, the ith point is located at p[i] and the ith segment's size is s[i]. What is the maximum number of points that can be covered by these segments? ↵

 My current solution is O(N * 2^M
 * logN). Is there any better solution?  


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en3 English lcha 2024-05-04 08:06:45 4 Tiny change: ' O(N * 2^M). Is the' -> ' O(N * 2^M * M). Is the'
en2 English lcha 2024-05-04 07:46:41 7 Tiny change: ' O(N * 2^M * logN). Is ther' -> ' O(N * 2^M). Is ther'
en1 English lcha 2024-05-04 07:22:40 294 Initial revision (published)