Problem 99999123 - The sum
Contest status
# When Who Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory
159227217 Jun/02/2022 11:11 l1nxly 123 - The sum Go Accepted 31 ms 100 KB
182311117 Nov/24/2022 07:15 nimoxide 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
227085420 Oct/08/2023 07:54 XUNRAN__XXXX 123 - The sum MS C++ 2017 Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
230291970 Oct/29/2023 00:44 Om4r37 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 9-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
237731799 Dec/18/2023 17:22 sabab_asfaq 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
298510332 Dec/26/2024 11:31 xXxNoobSaibotxXx 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 13-64) Accepted 62 ms 100 KB
39186469 Jun/12/2018 12:27 -______- 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
42606672 Sep/07/2018 11:22 mohammad 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
45469553 Nov/09/2018 11:38 Salil498 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
50671329 Mar/02/2019 10:08 neithan 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
52289830 Apr/04/2019 02:52 expektorus 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
64707880 Nov/11/2019 20:18 kira99 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 200 KB
68238410 Jan/05/2020 14:53 WalkingDeceit 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
71996994 Feb/27/2020 21:35 Seif_El_Deen 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
93475914 Sep/22/2020 14:29 trabbbart 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
133084333 Oct/25/2021 19:15 Mohammad_almouhtaseb 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 1000 KB
173426478 Sep/25/2022 15:33 Sh0von 123 - The sum Python 3 Accepted 62 ms 0 KB
202780058 Apr/20/2023 08:49 unityGamer 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
222364435 Sep/07/2023 22:32 TheGreatAntivirus 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
42168918 Aug/27/2018 20:15 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
45155563 Nov/01/2018 03:51 ArvinYousefi 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
52631112 Apr/12/2019 10:09 nurulakbaral 123 - The sum GNU C11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
54716962 May/27/2019 16:56 yh_victor 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
58095349 Jul/31/2019 22:28 Exotic 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
64287666 Nov/05/2019 08:41 moursalinme 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
84664021 Jun/22/2020 16:01 jasonpogi 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
127251712 Aug/28/2021 12:30 Litini 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 3700 KB
164706946 Jul/18/2022 13:13 LuoBoSayHi 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
176383588 Oct/15/2022 21:01 hpc2462 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
212881890 Jul/08/2023 22:35 seelight 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
219941260 Aug/22/2023 19:47 ramim-ahmed 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 9-64) Accepted 0 ms 0 KB
219947486 Aug/22/2023 20:40 azizul-127 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
230886948 Nov/01/2023 23:10 NegarT 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
39355077 Jun/18/2018 14:44 beshoyhany 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
39538481 Jun/23/2018 13:24 ArshiaDadras 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
40527553 Jul/19/2018 01:44 techygsn 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
42026962 Aug/24/2018 16:05 Arian_Az 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
53700034 May/03/2019 12:48 Ahoora 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
57697047 Jul/24/2019 19:53 DarkHome 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
57948198 Jul/29/2019 18:13 intodar 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
85122425 Jun/26/2020 15:05 hrjstar 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 3700 KB
118926436 Jun/10/2021 06:12 rphulambrikar 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
210015259 Jun/18/2023 06:51 Bekss 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 800 KB
219515307 Aug/19/2023 06:23 tranvutiendat 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
222691827 Sep/10/2023 11:46 NotGhavi 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
231967125 Nov/08/2023 19:44 reyhaneh01 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
38309028 May/16/2018 08:14 umad 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 30 ms 3300 KB
52461389 Apr/07/2019 16:36 ccutchiyqg 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
56182030 Jun/28/2019 03:55 aws_hassan 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
82313574 Jun/02/2020 16:46 rifatrraazz 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 300 KB
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