Problem 99999123 - The sum
Contest status
# When Who Problem Lang Verdict Time Memory
67275444 Dec/20/2019 13:01 joydas1100 123 - The sum Python 3 Accepted 109 ms 0 KB
96178434 Oct/20/2020 21:28 ShivamSatyam 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
124613682 Aug/01/2021 22:46 Titop 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 3700 KB
127267295 Aug/28/2021 16:44 arsham.myt 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 3700 KB
169080577 Aug/20/2022 15:39 zero_006 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
185749030 Dec/18/2022 08:18 _Muhammad 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
199443884 Mar/27/2023 20:27 Jahid_64 123 - The sum GNU C11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
223459376 Sep/15/2023 12:31 mohammad_agha 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
237604875 Dec/17/2023 14:28 hamedkad88 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
245672424 Feb/10/2024 08:55 Istiak-_- 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 0 ms 0 KB
260808262 May/13/2024 16:53 jakaria_sks 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 13-64) Accepted 62 ms 0 KB
266759760 Jun/21/2024 23:07 Mixa_01 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 13-64) Accepted 46 ms 0 KB
37557977 Apr/23/2018 22:09 I_I_I 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 62 ms 3400 KB
38558562 May/23/2018 13:29 Ahb_arif 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 300 KB
39200516 Jun/12/2018 23:02 alimq 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
39391071 Jun/18/2018 23:33 ibrahim129 123 - The sum FPC Accepted 31 ms 100 KB
57928694 Jul/29/2019 10:59 AntonovKirill 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 46 ms 0 KB
64632705 Nov/10/2019 13:40 Artemis_the_Z 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
78506388 Apr/29/2020 21:11 Nabil_Alhanif 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
78975950 May/04/2020 17:28 Luci_badea1000 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
132141236 Oct/16/2021 18:06 hossainmishkat0 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
136328697 Nov/21/2021 14:23 yuji08852 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
158841921 May/30/2022 07:02 saadaltamari 123 - The sum Python 3 Accepted 46 ms 0 KB
187165046 Dec/29/2022 19:33 vjudge2 123 - The sum GNU C11 Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
283772544 Sep/30/2024 17:21 kazuto.seitoh 123 - The sum Kotlin 1.9 Accepted 155 ms 4700 KB
43549881 Sep/29/2018 01:20 ZulaMostafa 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
45309106 Nov/05/2018 04:42 yojka27 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 300 KB
46402192 Nov/30/2018 15:47 Rimanova_ES 123 - The sum Go Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
48687796 Jan/21/2019 19:07 MatesV13 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
49503378 Feb/05/2019 19:20 naveed319 123 - The sum GNU C11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
50258776 Feb/21/2019 00:36 Omar76 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
66595332 Dec/10/2019 17:27 _Eklasur_Rahman_ 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
69939719 Feb/01/2020 08:42 shhmad 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
75192592 Apr/02/2020 04:51 devarshiporwal 123 - The sum GNU C11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
89872251 Aug/14/2020 15:59 Sakib62 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 9-64) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
162938440 Jul/06/2022 00:25 soheil.84 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
172800503 Sep/20/2022 11:10 MD_IMON_JAHAN 123 - The sum GNU C11 Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
231960291 Nov/08/2023 18:47 bnT91 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 0 KB
259372401 May/03/2024 17:36 ankithg21 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 13-64) Accepted 77 ms 0 KB
294804955 Dec/04/2024 17:42 mm2302 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 62 ms 100 KB
37556659 Apr/23/2018 21:01 Bedge 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 62 ms 3400 KB
43279591 Sep/23/2018 07:00 shubham5 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
45062330 Oct/29/2018 18:25 tanimzahid 123 - The sum GNU C++11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
60366223 Sep/11/2019 00:05 Zahidul_Islam 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
63963704 Nov/01/2019 09:20 rion_cse 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
74868644 Mar/30/2020 23:45 iamSPEED 123 - The sum C++14 (GCC 6-32) Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
133610862 Oct/30/2021 16:34 sparpara 123 - The sum C++20 (GCC 11-64) Accepted 15 ms 1200 KB
172489502 Sep/17/2022 21:29 Ariful72 123 - The sum GNU C11 Accepted 31 ms 0 KB
193994683 Feb/17/2023 16:30 SionFaraon 123 - The sum Python 3 Accepted 62 ms 0 KB
206983285 May/23/2023 22:05 NEVER.GIVE.UP 123 - The sum C++17 (GCC 7-32) Accepted 30 ms 0 KB
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