mainyutin's blog

By mainyutin, history, 11 months ago, translation, In English

1955A - Yogurt Sale

Idea: mainyutin, prepared: mainyutin


1955B - Progressive Square

Idea: ssor96, mainyutin, prepared: Vladosiya


1955C - Inhabitant of the Deep Sea

Idea: ssor96, Vladosiya, prepared: mainyutin


1955D - Inaccurate Subsequence Search

Idea: mainyutin, Vladosiya, prepared: mainyutin


1955E - Long Inversions

Idea: ssor96, prepared: Vladosiya


1955F - Unfair Game

Idea: mainyutin, prepared: mainyutin


1955G - GCD on a grid

Idea: ZergTricky, prepared: mainyutin


1955H - The Most Reckless Defense

Idea: VManoshin, prepared: mainyutin


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By mainyutin, history, 11 months ago, translation, In English

Hello! Codeforces Round 938 (Div. 3) will start at Apr/08/2024 17:35 (Moscow time). You will be offered 6-8 problems with expected difficulties to compose an interesting competition for participants with ratings up to 1600. However, all of you who wish to take part and have a rating of 1600 or higher, can register for the round unofficially.

The round will be hosted by rules of educational rounds (extended ICPC). Thus, solutions will be judged on preliminary tests during the round, and after the round, it will be a 12-hour phase of open hacks.

You will be given 6-8 problems and 2 hours and 15 minutes to solve them.

Note that the penalty for the wrong submission in this round is 10 minutes.

Remember that only the trusted participants of the third division will be included in the official standings table. As it is written by link, this is a compulsory measure for combating unsporting behavior. To qualify as a trusted participant of the third division, you must:

  • take part in at least five rated rounds (and solve at least one problem in each of them)
  • do not have a point of 1900 or higher in the rating.

Regardless of whether you are a trusted participant of the third division or not, if your rating is less than 1600, then the round will be rated for you.

Problems have been created and written by our team: mainyutin, VManoshin, ssor96 and ZergTricky.

We would like to thank:

  1. Vladosiya for help with ideas and great coordination of the round;

  2. FairyWinx, sevlll777 for red testing;

  3. ace5, Nickir, KwisatzCoderach, vladmart for yellow testing;

  4. natalina for blue testing;

  5. bitthal04 for cyan testing;

  6. Alequisk, Mohamed_Hesham for green testing;

  7. MikeMirzayanov for Polygon and Codeforces platforms.

Good luck!

UPD: There was an issue with the validation of hacks for problem G, but it has now been resolved. All successful hacks will be rejudged. Pretests were not affected by the issue and remain unchanged.

UPD2: Editorial is out.

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By mainyutin, history, 23 months ago, translation, In English

What is the proper way to add images in pdf statemenents headers?

For example, it could university logo near contest name, place and date

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