Блог пользователя bli0042

Автор bli0042, 12 лет назад, По-английски

How well should one perform consistently in Division 2 contests to move from blue to purple, and how well should one perform from there in Division 1 to get to orange? I would like to gauge how I'm doing in comparison to others as I move along.

Normally I would do this myself, but it's too hard to find it out from the raw match results so I was wondering if someone could answer from experience. :)

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12 лет назад, # |
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Just take part in a couple more rounds in CF and you will see the dynamics yourself. Also you can see the history of contests, places and respective rating changes (for example mine )

12 лет назад, # |
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To my opinion there are 2 methods to become purple from blue:

1) Div 2 contest. You shoud take not more than 100-th place stable or one time not more than 30-35-th place.

2) Both divisions contest. I took part in consest for both divisions. In this kind of contest you can easily become purple or even yellow (example: TLERush), but it's difficult to say the rank for purple.

If you want to become yellow you should take not more than 200-th place stable or one time not more than 150 ( in div 1 contest ). For red color you rank should be not more than 50 always ( in div 1 contest ).

It's my research on many people ratings. Sorry for my English.

12 лет назад, # |
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but instead of thinking how become purple or yellow, try solving the problems and learn more :)

12 лет назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится +8 Проголосовать: не нравится

Another question you should consider is how to actually stay yellow or purple. It is very easy to go back from yellow to purple after one-time success and it's much much easier to become blue again after you managed to become purple because rating system's expectations seem to be very high for div.1 contestants.

12 лет назад, # |
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Thanks everyone for the help!

@shamir14: I've never been solving the problems for rating or anything, but I like to have a rough idea of where I am as I go along. :)

@marat.snowbear: Yeah, I have seen that happen on Topcoder also. I'd probably rather be the gradual success :P

12 лет назад, # |
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how i can change my color to green?

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    12 лет назад, # ^ |
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    To change your rating color to green just solve ( Div-2 A) continuously and sometimes (Div-2 B) in contest.
    To do well in contest you can try virtual Participation in previous div-2 round. if you failed to solve that problem in virtual participation, you can try editorial later on to solve that problem.
    I believe after 10 or 15 such virtual participation you can easily solve Div-2 A or B in contest.