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Блог пользователя not_OMR125

Автор not_OMR125, история, 18 часов назад, По-английски

I know this might sound dumb, but I am trying to create an easy and hard version of a problem; however, I don't know how to implement the hard version because it is too complex for me, but I know it is possible. So is there a way that I can just put test cases with predetermined output from the easy version since I don't have any main solution as the easy version will just TLE when I put it on polygon?

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16 часов назад, # |
  Проголосовать: нравится +4 Проголосовать: не нравится

correct solution is important, without it u cant create a problem

because while judging the participants answer is matched with judges answer

  • »
    14 часов назад, # ^ |
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    Hello cheater