I think it's good time for collecting teams that are going to WF this year. Let's complete the table together :)
Count | Country | Region | University | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 | |
1 | Belarus | NEERC | Belarusian State University | 244mhq | Mediocrity | vilcheuski | |
2 | Estonia | NEERC | University of Tartu | oml1111 | SLLN | .I. | |
3 | Kazakhstan | NEERC | Kazakh-British Technical University | Zharaskhan | Aeon | NurlashKO | |
4 | Russia | NEERC | Moscow Aviation Institute | mingaleg | rembocoder | i.trofimow | |
5 | Russia | NEERC | Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology | Golovanov399 | Kostroma | -imc- | |
6 | Russia | NEERC | Moscow State University | LHiC | V--o_o--V | vintage_Vlad_Makeev | |
7 | Russia | NEERC | National Research University Higher School of Economics | iskhakovt | kraskevich | Kronecker | |
8 | Russia | NEERC | Novosibirsk State University | pvs | viktorov | Romchela | |
9 | Russia | NEERC | Perm State University | mimirrow | Alexandr_TS | Sert | |
10 | Russia | NEERC | Saratov State University | BledDest | adedalic | Roms | |
11 | Russia | NEERC | St. Petersburg Academic University | kreker | afedor | cdkrot | |
12 | Russia | NEERC | St. Petersburg ITMO University | Belonogov | SpyCheese | izban | |
13 | Russia | NEERC | St. Petersburg State University | el_sanchez | Kaban-5 | --Pavel-- | |
14 | Russia | NEERC | Ural Federal University | kb. | Tinsane | sivukhin | |
15 | Latvia | NEERC | University of Latvia | how_to_become_purple | Instasamka | JustN | |
16 | Lithuania | NEERC | Vilnius University | jDomantas | JustasK | Darius0021 | |
17 | Czech Republic | CERC | Charles University in Prague | ? | ? | ? | |
18 | Poland | CERC | Jagiellonian University in Krakow | ? | ? | ? | |
19 | Poland | CERC | University of Warsaw | Radewoosh | Errichto | mareksom | |
20 | Finland | NWERC | University of Helsinki | mango_lassi | kllp | Hansuzu | |
21 | Netherlands | NWERC | Utrecht University | ? | ? | ? | |
22 | Norway | NWERC | University of Bergen | ? | ? | ? | |
23 | United Kingdom | NWERC | University of Cambridge | dd__ | MeinKraft | zDule98 | |
24 | United Kingdom | NWERC | University of Oxford | Andrei1998 | tamionv | george_stelian | |
25 | France | SWERC | École Normale Supérieure de Paris | Rafbill | Akulen | Nore | |
26 | Italy | SWERC | Scuola Normale Superiore | dario2994 | Delfad0r | fram | |
27 | Switzerland | SWERC | ETH Zürich | ? | ? | ? | |
28 | Bulgaria | SEERC | Sofia University | iddilov | daninnm | Anton_Chernev | |
29 | Romania | SEERC | University of Bucharest | alex.velea | bicsi | AndreiNet | |
30 | Turkey | SEERC | TOBB University of Economics and Technology | ? | ? | ? | |
31 | Ukraine | SEERC | Lviv National University | ? | ? | ? | |
32 | Ukraine | SEERC | Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv | AllCatsAreBeautiful | Kirill.Mikhailov | yevhenii44 | |
33 | Ukraine | SEERC | Uzhgorod National University | MrDindows | Melnyk | Rubanenko | Asia |
==== | Count | Country or Region | University | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 | | ----- | ----------------- |----------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | 1 | Bangladesh | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | noor148 | LochNess | triploblastic | | 2 | Bangladesh | Shahjalal University of Science and Technology | draak_krijger | codename27 | mk_Shahriar | | 3 | China | Beihang University | skywalkert | chitanda | braveTester | | 4 | China | Beijing Normal University | quailty | Forever_you | Jove | | 5 | China | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | lawyerphx | JSZKC | drrrzdk | | 6 | China | Fudan University | SakurakoujiRuna | tun | t90tank | | 7 | China | Fuzhou University | ? | ? | ? | | 8 | China | Guangdong University of Technology | ? | ? | ? | | 9 | China | Hangzhou Dianzi University | Claris | snowy_smile | luras_oil2 | | 10 | China | Huazhong University of Science & Technology | ? | ? | ? | | 11 | China | Northwestern Polytechnical University | ? | ? | ? | | 12 | China | Peking University | Syloviaely | SkyDec | shanquan2 | | 13 | China | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | Akigeor | lbn187 | Nisiyama_Suzune | | 14 | China | Tsinghua University | Stilwell | KFDong | xllend3 | | 15 | China | University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | ? | ? | ? | | 16 | China | Wuhan University | ? | ? | ? | | 17 | China | Xi'an Jiaotong University | justarandomstring | sylxjtu | Luffbee | | 18 | China | Zhejiang University | chenjb | oipotato | Subconscious | | 19 | China | Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) University | ? | ? | ? | | 20 | Hong Kong | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | nhho | hohomu | jasonyik | | 21 | India | Indian Institute of Technology — Delhi | mathmaniac | ankeshgupta007 | thelonesailor | | 22 | India | Indian Institute of Technology — Kanpur | ajs97 | Dopahkiin | Beast_Within | | 23 | India | Indian Institute of Technology — Kharagpur | pranjal.ssh | Chenghiz | renegade_warrior | | 24 | India | Indian Institute of Technology — Madras | Dipak | gkavitha | bigcrunch | | 25 | India | Indian Institute of Technology — Patna | Equinox | I_Love_Equinox | SureYeaah | | 26 | India | Indian Institute of Technology — Roorkee | gvaibhav21 | adkroxx | saharshluthra | | 27 | India | International Institute of Information Technology — Bangalore | VastoLorde95 | shyamkb | simrandokania | | 28 | India | International Institute of Information Technology — Hyderabad | Baba | vmrajas | Chipe1 | | 29 | Indonesia | Institut Teknologi Bandung | wiwitrifai | Luqman | radit | | 30 | Iran | Shahid Beheshti University | ? | ? | ? | | 31 | Iran | Sharif University of Technology | ? | ? | ? | | 32 | Iran | Sharif University of Technology | ? | ? | ? | | 33 | Japan | Tokyo Institute of Technology | ? | ? | ? | | 34 | Japan | University of Tokyo | ? | ? | ? | | 35 | Pakistan | Karachi Institute of Economics & Technology | ? | ? | ? | | 36 | Singapore | National University of Singapore | minh141198 | vodanhna | darknsux | | 37 | South Korea | KAIST | ko_osaga | alex9801 | Konijntje | | 38 | South Korea | Korea University | ? | ? | ? | | 39 | South Korea | Seoul National University | zigui | dotorya | molamola. | | 40 | South Korea | Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology | Na2a | bekzhan29 | nezametdinov | | 41 | Taiwan | National Chiao Tung University | frankbozar | ian9696 | HowardChung | | 42 | Taiwan | National Taiwan University | eddy1021 | paulwang | akaiNeko | | 43 | Vietnam | Ho Chi Minh City University of Science | abcdef6199 | qcuong98 | haituan134 | | 44 | Vietnam | University of Engineering and Technology — VNU | goodthingstaketime_._ | MofK | natsukagami |
Latin America
Count | Country | University | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
1 | Argentina | Universidad Nacional de Córdoba — FaMAF | mjhun | ec24 | Vladislao |
2 | Argentina | Universidad Nacional de Rosario | margy | fefo | elopez |
3 | Brazil | Instituto Militar de Engenharia | naumazeredo | mccastro | mutreta |
4 | Brazil | Universidade de São Paulo | yancouto | victorsenam | arthur.nascimento |
5 | Brazil | Universidade de São Paulo — Campus de São Carlos | samuelfgs | rodz | LoppA |
6 | Brazil | Universidade Federal de Campina Grande | fmota | ME_AJUUUUUDAAA | ordan |
7 | Brazil | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | tfg | luucasv | alpgc |
8 | Brazil | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro | ? | ? | ? |
9 | Brazil | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | victoragnez | helio | RailtonT |
10 | Chile | Universidad de Chile | ? | ? | ? |
11 | Colombia | Universidad Nacional de Colombia — Bogotá | ? | ? | ? |
12 | Colombia | Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira | ? | ? | ? |
13 | Costa Rica | Universidad de Costa Rica | ? | ? | ? |
14 | Cuba | Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas | dcordb | ruddy222 | NiuBer |
15 | Cuba | Universidad de Oriente — Sede Antonio Maceo | ? | ? | ? |
16 | Cuba | Universidad de Pinar del Río | ? | ? | ? |
17 | Dominican Republic | Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra | ? | ? | ? |
18 | Mexico | Facultad de Ciencias-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | ? | ? | ? |
19 | Mexico | ITESM Campus Queretaro | ? | ? | ? |
20 | Mexico | Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon | ? | ? | ? |
21 | Peru | Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú — FCI | ? | ? | ? |
22 | Venezuela | Universidad Central de Venezuela | snacache | lstd | Nakatoru |
Africa and the Middle East
Count | Country | University | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
1 | Egypt | Alexandria University — Faculty of Engineering | ? | ? | ? |
2 | Egypt | Arab Academy for Science and Technology (Alexandria) | ? | ? | ? |
3 | Egypt | Cairo University — Faculty of Computers and Information | A.Magdy7 | Seif | wewark |
4 | Egypt | Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University | darksmith | BitHashTech | TripleM5da |
5 | Egypt | Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University | OmarHashim | TheMaverick | Deathly_Hallows |
6 | Egypt | German University in Cairo | ? | ? | ? |
7 | Jordan | Princess Sumaya University for Technology | Hiasat | Dark | Motarack |
8 | Morocco | Al Akhawayn University | magieNoire | CloverAsta | ? |
9 | South Africa | University of Pretoria | ? | ? | ? |
10 | Syria | Al-Baath University | ? | ? | ? |
11 | Syria | Al-Baath University | ? | ? | ? |
12 | Syria | Damascus University | Ahmad1 | Mhammad1 | SAeed |
13 | Syria | Higher Institute for Applied Science and Technology | ? | ? | ? |
14 | Syria | Tishreen University | ? | ? | ? |
North America
Count | Country | University | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
1 | Canada | University of British Columbia | ? | ? | ? |
2 | Canada | University of Waterloo | ? | ? | ? |
3 | USA | Colorado School of Mines | ? | ? | ? |
4 | USA | Columbia University | ? | ? | ? |
5 | USA | Cornell University | ? | ? | ? |
6 | USA | Harvard University | ? | ? | ? |
7 | USA | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | ? | ? | ? |
8 | USA | South Dakota School of Mines and Technology | ? | ? | ? |
9 | USA | Stanford University | ? | ? | ? |
10 | USA | The University of Texas at Austin | ? | ? | ? |
11 | USA | University of California at Berkeley | ? | ? | ? |
12 | USA | University of Central Florida | I_Need_Alex_R_Coleman | tbuzzelli | alexrcoleman |
13 | USA | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | ? | ? | ? |
14 | USA | University of Maryland | ? | ? | ? |
15 | USA | University of Michigan at Ann Arbor | Kognition | Lumaere | nrfenner |
16 | USA | University of Nebraska — Lincoln | ? | ? | ? |
17 | USA | University of Pennsylvania | ? | ? | ? |
18 | USA | University of Southern California | ? | ? | ? |
19 | USA | University of Wisconsin — Madison | ? | ? | ? |
20 | USA | Virginia Tech | ? | ? | ? |
21 | USA | Washington University in St. Louis | ? | ? | ? |
South Pacific
Count | Country | University | Member 1 | Member 2 | Member 3 |
1 | Australia | The University of Western Australia | ? | ? | ? |
2 | Australia | University of New South Wales | JoeyWheeler | xxTastyHypeBeast666xx | AntiForest |