STARCP's blog

By STARCP, history, 3 years ago, In English

Dear MikeMirzayanov please ban sus or else he will soon be in top of contributors list. probably he/she will be having greater contribution then yours without contributing any useful thing to community and it's better to count only blogs that has some useful content which will be useful for community for contribution.

UPD: i mean ban in the sense contribution.

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By STARCP, history, 4 years ago, In English
Recently when i'am practicing i encounter two problems that have something common in them i could not understand editorial and others solutions too can someone help to find a approach for this kind of problems below are the links to two problems.

1237B - Balanced Tunnel
the editorial to this problem written by tourist


and the second problem.

591B - Rebranding
the solution to this problem in editorial


can anyone explain the intution behind this two problems?

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